
Exterior view of Condominiums under construction for Pan Am Athletes' Villiage.  Exterior view of residential units, Summit Housing and Outreach Programs.

SPH has worked closely with both public and private residential sector clients on a variety of accessibility initiatives, including seniors residences / communities, condominiums, housing co-operatives, student residences and other diverse high / low / mid-rise residential projects, addressing both affordable and market share housing needs. 

Clients / Client Groups:

University of Toronto Scarborough logo  Windmill Line Co-op Logo   Brookfield Condominium Services logo     York Region logo   Lend Lease Logo    EllisDon Ledcor PAAV logo  Concert Properties logo   Durham Custom Homes LogoTridel logoIBI Group Logo    Summit Housing & Outreach Programs logoGeorge Brown College logo

Project Experience

Additional SPH experience is now highlighted to demonstrate our firm's leadership in residential projects: